
1. Grave:Durban (Ordnance Road) Military CemeteryGrave 120
2. Book:The (1921) Masonic Roll of Honour 1914-1918Pg.121
3. Memorial:The (1940) Scroll - WW1 Roll of Honour28D GQS

Awards & Titles:


Family :

Husband of Mrs Dimmick of Pietmaritzburg, South Africa. Civil Servant (1893)

Service Life:


Unit / Ship / Est.: 2/South African Mounted Rifles 

Action : Natural Causes 

Natural causes is attributed those deaths due to causes that were not directly associated with the war. Included in this are wartime deaths resulting from, for example, theSpanish Influenza pandemic and its associated pneumonia problems and other attributions such as age and exhaustion. It also groups those who through Post Traumatic Stress committed suicide as a result of their experiences.

Detail :

ARMY AND NAVY GAZETTE 16 DECEMBER 1916 - "A South African correspondent writes:- Major Oliver Dimmick, 2nd South African Mounted Rifles, died suddenly at Windhuk, South-West Africa Protectorate, in September. The deceased officer had thirty-two years' military and police service, chiefly in the old Natal Police, a body now known as the 2nd South African Mounted Rifeles. There was no more popular nor more genial officer in the Force, nor, at the same time, one with a higher regard for duty. The deceased went out to South Africa in a British Cavalry regiment in the early eighties and in 1884 he joined the Natal Mounted Police. Enlisting as a trooper he became Regimental Sergeant-Major, and later on Sub-Inspector and Adjutant. Major Dimmick served with the Natal Police in the last Boer War, in the Natal Native Rebellion of 1906, the Boer Rebellion of 1914, and in last year's campaign in German South-West Africa. He held the Coronation Medal, 1911, and the police medal for long service. The deceased officer was recommended for the V.C. in connection with the Impanza Valley fight during the Natal Native Rebellion, when he, in the most gallant manner, helped to rescue Trumpeter Milton who was wounded."

LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 25, 1907 Pages 4343-4344 - List of Officers whose Services were brought to Notice by the Commandant of Militia: Inspector Oliver Dimmick, Natal Police. For his gallantry in the attack on the police at Impanza, rescuing Trumpeter Milton, who was wounded.

"Particulars of Services in respect of which the name of Inspector Oliver Dimmick, Natal Police, was brought to the notice of the Commandant of Militia. During the night attack on the Natal Police at the Impanza River on the night of the 4th April, 1906, Inspector Oliver Dimmick, Natal Police, displayed great gallantry in rescuing,Trumpeter Milton of the same Corps from falling into the enemy's hands.Trumpeter Milton was wounded and surrounded by the enemy, but was eventually conveyed to a place of safety by means of Inspector Dimmick's action in proceeding to his rescue and keeping the enemy at bay. H. T. BRU-DE-WOLD, Colonel, Commandant of Militia"

[SAGWP]: Died of Pancreatitis, at Windhoek.

See also: South African Great War Project.
See also: Roots Chat.

Masonic :

TypeLodge Name and No.Province/District :
Mother : Inanda No. 1192 E.C.Natal
Joined : Skelmersdale No. 1729 E.C. Natal
Joined : Umbzimkulu Lodge No. 2113 E.C. Natal

16th March 1889
12th April 1889
6th December 1889

Past Master, Past.District Grand Warden (Natal)
Joining member of Umbzimkulu Lodge No.2113 on 25th April 1893, resigning on 3rd November 1895.
Joining member of Skelmersdale Lodge No. 1729 on 27th February 1896

Source :

The project globally acknowledges the following as sources of information for research across the whole database:

Additional Source:

Last Updated: 2019-08-15 10:41:45