
1. Memorial:Tourgeville Military CemeteryIV.C.19
2. Book:The (1921) Masonic Roll of Honour 1914-1918Pg.139
3. Memorial:The (1940) Scroll - WW1 Roll of Honour32D GQS

Awards & Titles:


Family :

Married Alice Love on 13th April 1884 at St. Pancras. Family resident in Wandsworth and later 63, West Cromwell Road, South Kensington.

Education & Career :

Surveyor, London (1897), who at the time of his death was an agent for Messrs. Trollope and Colls.

Service Life:


Unit / Ship / Est.: Not Yet Known 


Action : Natural Causes 

Natural causes is attributed those deaths due to causes that were not directly associated with the war. Included in this are wartime deaths resulting from, for example, theSpanish Influenza pandemic and its associated pneumonia problems and other attributions such as age and exhaustion. It also groups those who through Post Traumatic Stress committed suicide as a result of their experiences.

Detail :

Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser 14th December 1918 "Mr Charles Bruce Wood, F.S.I., wo has died at Trouville of heart failure following influenza, aged 60, was for over 30 years with the firm of George Trollope and Sons, and carried out very large and important works in all parts of England and abroad, amongst them being the erection and completion in record time of the British Pavilion at St. Louis Exhibition (U.S.A.), 1904. During the war he had been responsible for the management of large Government works in England, including the construction of the military camp at Brocton for 20,000 men, which necessitated the formation of a special railway line, waterworks, electric lighting, and all modern accessories for such an undertaking. He had recently had the entire charge of some extensive contracts in France, including the erection of hospitals under British military direction, and it was whilst engaged on this work that he suffered from influenza, which unfortunately, ended in his untimely death. He leaves a widow, daughter, and son. Captain W.R. Wood, prisoner of war in Germany."

Masonic :

TypeLodge Name and No.Province/District :
Mother : Blackwater No. 1977 E.C.Essex
Joined : Hiram No. 2416 E.C. London

5th September 1898
3rd October 1898
31st October 1898

Recorded as C.B. Wood, Major on the 1921 Book. The contribution records show Charles with 3 years war service, before the final annotation of "Died 8.10.18". He was a joining member of Hiram Lodge No. 2416 on 23rd January 1901, citing Surveyor and resident at West Hill, Wandsworth. He died in the service of this lodge also, showing his war service and " Died on a/s [active service] Oct 1918.

Source :

The project globally acknowledges the following as sources of information for research across the whole database:

Additional Source:

Last Updated: 2019-08-21 06:53:49