Battle or Action:

Naval Campaign

  Detail :

 Naval Campaign is defined as to include all sea operations where attrition rates are in ones and twos and which do not fall within specific naval battles such as Jutland, Coronel, Falklands etc. This includes Merchant Navy losses.

 Rank Initials Surname Died Lodge
 W.O.1 (RSM) S.J.C. BAIKIE MSM 21-02-1917 Light in Adjoodhia No. 836
St. John's No. 434
True Brothers No. 1210
 Maj. J.S. SKINNER 21-02-1917 St. John's No. 434
 M.M. T. VALLINT [VALIENT] 22-02-1917 Lindisfarne No. 2762
 Lt. H.M. BIBBY 24-02-1917 Sir Walter Raleigh No. 2837
 M.M. F.J. GRENFELL 26-02-1917 St Sampson's No. 2598
 M.M. P. MACLACHLAN 28-02-1917 Marlborough No. 1620
  R.P. HUNNINGS 04-03-1917 Brunswick No. 159
 M.M. J. BURMAN 07-03-1917 Blagdon No. 659
Lodge of True Love and Unity No. 248
 1st Engr. E. BARNSLEY 11-03-1917 Lindisfarne No. 2762
 1st Engr. S.M. RICHARDSON 15-03-1917 Lodge of Harmony No. 220
St John's No. 486
Zetland No. 525
 C.P.O. A.V. LANGRIDGE DSM 17-03-1917 St Clair No. 2074
 Ch. Stoker C. TEW 17-03-1917 St Clair No. 2074
 M.M. W.C. BARRETT 22-03-1917 St Botolph's No. 588
Zetland No. 1157
 M.M. A.G. CROMACK 22-03-1917 Denison No. 1248
Marine No. 232
 Armr. G.A.S. KENNEDY 03-04-1917 Union of Malta No. 407
 M.M. W.H. BULLOCK 04-04-1917 United Northern Counties No. 2128
 M.M. F.W. WHITE 05-04-1917 Connaught No. 2981
 Stwd. C.T. HALEY 10-04-1917 Lodge of Peace and Harmony No. 359
 2nd Engr. A.S. BASCOMBE 11-04-1917 Lodge of the Three Grand Principles No. 967
 Engr. F.W. FAIRCLOTH 11-04-1917 Beacon Court No. 1967
 1st Engr. W. HOLLOCOMBE 11-04-1917 Lodge of Love and Honour No. 75
 Capt. W. IRVINE 11-04-1917 Zetland No. 515
 Engr. J.D. STOREY 11-04-1917 Amity No. 3193
 Chr. Engr. S.W. HARWOOD 12-04-1917 De La Pole No. 1605
 1st Mate R.R. CLARK[E] 13-04-1917 Lord Warkworth No. 1879
 Mne.Engr. H.J. FENTIMAN 13-04-1917 Wilberforce No. 2134
 Capt. E. JACKSON 16-04-1917 St George's No. 431
 M.M. S.E. WORTH 21-04-1917 Lodge of True Love and Unity No. 248
 M.M. T.M. PELTON 24-04-1917 St George's No. 431
 Chr. Engr. L.F. KEADY 25-04-1917 Derby No. 724

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